Explore the plants and wildlife at Boyd Lake State Park.
Boyd Lake offers opportunities to observe a variety of wildlife, but is best known for its diverse bird populations. More than 200 species of migratory and resident birds are known for this area. The bird population includes great blue herons, egrets, great-horned owls, hawks, eagles, white pelicans as well as other species.
The changing seasons bring many varieties of wildlife to Boyd Lake. White pelicans are commonly seen throughout the summer months and bald eagles during the winter months where they can be seen sitting on the ice next to open water.
Coyote, raccoon, muskrat, cottontail rabbit, red fox, and ground squirrels are commonly observed mammals. Many anglers are attracted by the fishing opportunities, which include rainbow trout, walleye, largemouth and white bass, yellow perch, crappie, channel catfish, and carp.
Boyd Lake State Park has cottonwood trees, blue gramma, western wheatgrass, and a variety of native and introduced wildflowers. Diverse wetland, riparian, and aquatic plant communities have become established around the reservoir and adjacent Heinricy Lake.
Many of the park’s plants and animals can be observed while walking along the Boyd Lake State Park Nature Trail.