Wild Felines
Mancos is home to wild cats. Bobcats and Mountain Lions are both common, although extremely elusive. Both have been seen by staff, but never photographed. The park also has a small population of Feral Cats (wild housecats) that are frequently seen on the north side of the reservoir.
Mountain Lions have never been involved in a conflict with people or pets at Mancos State Park. In fact, most people go their whole lives without seeing a Mountain Lion due to the animal’s solitary nature. However, if you do see one…
- Stay Calm - Try not to panic; Talk calmly and firmly to it. Move slowly.
- Stop or Back Away - Running may trigger a lion’s instinct to chase or attack. Pick up small children to prevent them from panicking and running away.
- Appear Larger - Raise your arms, open your jacket or shirt. Stand upright and face the lion.
- Fight Back - Most people who have been attacked by a lion have successfully fought them off. Once it knows you’re not easy prey, it will likely run away.
For more information, visit the Mancos State Park page.