A four-lane boat ramp is located on the west shore of the lake. All boats must comply with Colorado boating statutes and regulations.
Things to know:
- Boats are not permitted in the inlet or areas buoyed as keep out.
- Weather can change rapidly and bring damaging winds and hail. Check local conditions and plan ahead.
- Shoreline Marina is located on the west shore of the lake near the boat ramp.
- The lake closes to motorized boating November 1st. Boating at Jackson Lake does not resume until ALL ice is off the reservoir in spring.
- Both an observer and an operator must be present in any vessel that is towing a skier. Ski counter-clockwise, and please spread out across the reservoir to avoid dangerous congestion.
- Since Jackson Lake was built for irrigational purposes, please check conditions on the main page for up-to-date information regarding water levels, boating conditions, etc.