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Colorado State Parks

Fees and Permits

All fees are in addition to park pass/entrance fees and priced per day unless otherwise noted.

Parks Passes

  • Daily Vehicle Pass: $10
  • Daily Individual Pass: $4
    • Daily Individual Pass applies to any park visitor, aged 16 or older, entering the park by any means other than a vehicle with a valid pass. This includes bicycles, walking, riding a horse, etc.
    • If a visitor bicycling, walking, or otherwise entering the park without a vehicle, but has a current Annual Parks Pass, the green receipt from that pass can be used as the Daily Individual Pass, and will allow the pass holder and their immediate family into the park.
  • Annual Pass: $80 (affixed) or $120 (hang tag)
  • Aspen Leaf Annual Pass (64+): $70


Additionally, a Parks Pass is required for each day of camping.

  • Basic campsite: $28

Camping reservations cannot be made by calling Staunton State Park.
Reservations can be made online or made over the phone through Aspira by calling at (800) 244-5613.


Group Events/Picnic Areas

Note: Prices below include a non-refundable reservation fee of $10. We usually need at least 3 weeks notice for reservations.

  • Ranch Hand Picnic Area: $160
  • Davis Pond Picnic Area: $100
  • Amphitheater: $100
  • Visitor Center: $160

For details, see the Ranch Hand Picnic Area page or for reservations please call (303) 816-0912.

Photo Permits

A photography permit is required for anyone paying to get their photos taken (such as for weddings, professional headshots, senior photos, etc) at Staunton. Permits are $45 and are good for three months (1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th quarter of the year).

Special Activity Agreements

​A Special Activity Agreement (SAA)/ Permit may be required if you want to do an unusual activity or hold an organized group activity.

For information on Special Activity Agreements, please contact the park by email at We usually need at least 3 weeks notice.

What kinds of events usually require a Special Activity Permit?

Some examples are:

  • Photography used for advertising/financial gain
  • Filming
  • Commercial Events
  • Businesses conducting sales, programs, guides or any business on park property
  • Weddings
  • Running/Biking events
  • Unguided school or church groups
  • Organized groups
  • Group skills training
  • Any event that could impact the experience of other visitors

How much will the permit cost?

The fee for each activity is determined by the Park Manager and the criteria taken into consideration are listed below.

Criteria to be considered when establishing a fee includes:

  • Length of use
  • Magnitude of activity (size of crew, number of vehicles, size of area to be used, magnitude of impact on normal public use of the park)
  • Uniqueness of the resource
  • Existing facility use fee (i.e. if permittee desires to rent the Visitor Center conference room, they must pay the required use fee).
  • Damage to park resources
  • Park staff requirements
  • Other unique issues related to photography or filming project.

The Parks and Wildlife Commission has the authority to raise daily individual/walk-in or vehicle entry fees by up to $1 per year, and annual passes up to $10 per year.