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Colorado State Parks


Things to do

Moose is our claim to fame. North Park is considered the moose viewing capital of Colorado, with over 600 moose to be observed year-round.

State Forest State Park has something for everyone in every season. With so much room and diversity, visitors can experience a bountiful array of outdoor recreational favorites such as camping, hiking, four-wheeling, horseback riding, skiing, snowshoeing, telemarking, snowboarding, snowmobiling, fishing, hunting, birding, wildlife viewing, and geocaching.​​​​ Come join us on summer weekends for interpretive programs, covering a variety of topics including nature, crafts, s’mores, and survival skills!


The State Forest State Park provides a home for a great number and variety of wildlife, providing the perfect place for wildlife watching and wildlife photography.

For more details see our wildlife page.


Most of the park is covered in dense forest, composed mainly of lodgepole pine. Several other vegetation groups exist, including riparian zones and, uniquely in Colorado State Parks, also cold dune vegetation and alpine zones.

For more details see our plants page.


The mountain scenery we see today is a result of many geological processes, some localized and some wider-ranging. Amongst the peculiarities of this area are the only cold-climate dunes in Colorado, in the northern reaches of the park.

For more details see our geology page.