Special Activity Permit
A special activity permit (SAP) may be required if you want to do an unusual activity or hold an organized group activity other than a normal picnic or camping trip.
Why do I need a special activity permit?
Lake Pueblo loves to host events, but we need to know about your event well ahead of time so we can see if space is available, and make sure that your event won’t harm the natural resources or overlap with other visitors’ activities.
What kinds of events usually require a special activity permit?
Some past examples include running, swimming, biking events, weddings, open water baptisms, school or other organized groups, fishing tournaments, group skills training, etc.
If you have another kind of event in mind or if you are unsure if your event is suitable for Lake Pueblo, please contact the park by email at lake.pueblo.park@state.co.us with details and dates about your event and we will let you know if you need a Special Activity Permit.
How soon should I apply for a special activity permit?
Please submit your application at least 45 days ahead of the date of your event or activity to see if you need to complete a special activity permit.
What are the insurance requirements for a special permit?
Proof of Insurance - Insurance may be required and coverage must be listed as:
- The State of Colorado-Lake Pueblo State Park and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation “Additionally Insured”.
- The Event Organizer will be the “Certificate Holder”.
- Such insurance will have a minimum limit of $150,000 each person and $1,000,000 for each occurrence from claims arising from property damage, bodily injury, or death resulting therefrom as specified in 24-10-114, C.R.S.
- Such policy will specify that the insurance company shall have no right of subrogation against the State of Colorado or the U.S. Government.
What forms do I need to fill out to apply for a special activity permit?
Please read and fill out the appropriate special activity information and application below.
- A non-refundable $30 processing fee is required with each application.
- Applications that are not submitted 45 days prior to your event may be declined due to lack of availability or application processing time.
For more information, contact Lake Pueblo State Park at (719) 561-9320.