At first glance, you might not think Lake Pueblo has diverse plant life. But in fact, it is considered a “botanical hot spot” by most botanists. The riparian area on the east end of the park is home to a variety of tree and wildflower species including cottonwood trees, willows, wild roses, wild onion, and varieties of primrose.
The pinon-juniper woodland on the north side of the park has juniper trees that are hundreds of years old. Imagine the stories they could tell! Indian paintbrush grows throughout the area, along with the grama and rice grass that they need to survive. Winterfat and four-wing saltbrush are an important staple for the local mule deer.
The short grass prairie that makes up the park property is full of penstemons, prince’s plume, asters, and a variety of cactus both large and small. The cactus can cause quite a yelp if encountered by a dog off the trail, so keep them on a leash please.
Prickly pear cactus are found throughout the park.
Lake Pueblo is known for being the home of five rare plants. The Arkansas Valley Evening Primrose, Golden Blazing Star, Pueblo Goldenweed, Dwarf Milkweed, and the Round–leaf four-o’-clock have documented populations in the park. These plants are considered imperiled and are protected.
When using the trails, please protect our plants by staying on the established trail. Do not pick plants or chop trees for firewood. Help us keep our plants safe for future visitors to enjoy.