Boating at Chatfield State Park
Boating is among the park’s most popular activities. You can enjoy water skiing, sailing, fishing or just cruising on the reservoir.
To boat on the reservoir, a pre-launch boat inspection for Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS), an ANS stamp, and a current boat registration are required.
About the Reservoir
Boat Ramps and Docks
Boats may be launched at either of our two boat ramps.
- The North boat ramps, located on the northwest side of the reservoir, have eight launch lanes and four courtesy docks.
- South boat ramp, located on the southeast side of the reservoir, has two launch lanes and one courtesy dock.
The courtesy docks are available seasonally and will be removed when ice starts to form on the lake.
Reservoir Zones
The reservoir can be quite busy during the summer season and is divided into use zones.
The main body of the reservoir is the Power Zone. This area is for general boating and water skiing and has a counter clockwise direction of travel.
There are two large No Wake Zones at the southwest and southeast ends of the reservoir.
These areas are great for fishing, canoeing or just taking a break. During times of peak use, the reservoir may reach boating capacity. When boating capacity is reached, rangers at the boat dock will not allow boats to launch until a vessel has left the reservoir.
Reservoir Rules
- The reservoir closes to boating December 1 to March 1 AND ice off. During the off-season, many of the aids to navigation are not in place.
- Please recognize that not all hazards may be marked, so always use caution when boating. With the fluctuation of stream flows, boaters should always watch carefully for floating debris in the reservoir.
- Only float tubes or craft propelled by hand shall be permitted on the ponds within the park, excluding the main reservoir.
- All Colorado Boating Statutes and Regulations are enforced. Copies of current boating regulations are available at the entrance station, park office.
Aquatic Nuisance Species Inspection and Stamp
A pre-launch boat inspection for Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) and an ANS stamp on all vessels prior to launch is MANDATORY.
Boat Registrations
New Colorado boat registrations can be obtained at the Littleton Regional Office on the southwest corner of C470 and Santa Fe, from 8 a.m.-5 p.m, Monday-Friday.
Renew your existing boat registration at the park headquarters during office hours.
Chatfield boating.jpgChatfield has a full service marina offering slip rentals, boat rentals, boat storage and Seagull’s restaurant. For information, please call the Marina at (303) 791-5555 or visit the Chatfield Marina website. Services available seasonally.
Swim Beach
The swim beach on the west side of the reservoir is open from sunrise to sunset, Memorial Day through Labor Day. The swim beach has changing room facilities, complete with showers and restrooms, picnic areas with tables and small grills. The swim beach operates without lifeguards. Parents and adults need to monitor children at all times. Please check the home page for announcements regarding the swim beach.
Paddleboarding is allowed in all bodies of water at Chatfield, with the exception of the designated swim area. All Colorado Boating Statutes and Regulations apply, including use of a personal floatation device.