Over 200 species of migratory and resident birds are known for this area including the raven, mountain bluebird, gray jay, yellow warbler, goshawk, osprey, and waterfowl and shorebirds attracted to the reservoir. Mule deer and elk are a common sight, as are cottontail rabbit, jackrabbit, beaver, red fox, coyote, badger, ground squirrel, and muskrat. Many anglers are attracted by the cold-water fishing opportunities which feature rainbow, brook, German brown, and cutthroat trout. Mountain whitefish, white sucker, and sculpin are also present.
Ecologically, park uplands are dominated by montane shrub communities comprised of mountain big sagebrush, mountain snowberry, serviceberry, Gambel oak, antelope bitterbrush, chokecherry, and rabbitbrush. Common understory plants include wild buckwheat, American vetch, lupine, aspen peavine, and Hood’s phlox. Above the park, lodgepole pine, subalpine fir, Colorado blue spruce, and aspen are the dominant forest trees. Diverse wetland and riparian plant communities have become established around the reservoir, along the Yampa River and its tributary drainages. A large wetland creation project has been constructed along the river, providing interpretive opportunities.
Stagecoach State Park features a 780 surface-acre reservoir lying in the Yampa River Valley of the northern Rocky Mountains. It is fed by the Yampa River and Little Morrison, Middle, Taylor, and Martin creeks. The park is situated on the western flank of the Park Mountain Range and the southeastern flank of the Washakie Sedimentary Basin, thus positioned between Precambrian granitic and Tertiary sedimentary rocks. Tertiary Age Brown’s Park Sandstone, sedimentary rock with silicic ash beds and some conglomerate, outcrops throughout the park. Precambrian gneiss represents the common rock at the damsite. Pleistocene Crowner Formation volcanic, conglomeritic sandstone, and Pleistocene alluvium occupies the reservoir shoreline.