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Colorado State Parks


Migrating birds often stop to rest at Highline Lake; some spend the entire winter season at the lake. Check out the Highline Lake Bird Checklist. The brochure is available at the park entrances and the park office. Wildlife information kiosks—complete with viewing scopes—are available to locate and name the many species of birds and wildlife found in their natural habitat.

The Audubon Society recently named Highline Lake an important bird area for the 200-plus bird species that can be seen in the park. Many migratory and resident birds including waterfowl, shorebirds, neotropical songbirds, and raptors are attracted to the reservoir and adjacent uplands. Canada geese, seven species of ducks, and six species of shorebirds are common.

Sandhill cranes and some of the Grey’s Lake, Idaho experimental whooping crane population may be observed during migration. Golden eagles, northern harrier, osprey, American kestrel, Cooper’s and red-tailed hawks are seen foraging in the park. Bald eagles are commonly seen in the park throughout the winter. Great horned owls have been known to nest in the campground.

Want to get more involved with birds at Highline Lake? We are attempting to put together a Raptor Monitoring Program. If you are interested in being a part of the program please send an email to the park interpreter at