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Colorado State Parks

Water Quality

The Cherry Creek Watershed answers the drainage needs of Denver’s fast-growing urban area. Because everything flows downhill, the creeks, ponds, and reservoir within the basin receive incalculable amounts of debris and chemicals carried along stormwater pathways.

The Colorado Water Quality Control Act and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act mandate permitting to authorize the discharge of stormwater associated with municipal storm sewer systems within the Cherry Creek Reservoir drainage basin. Cherry Creek State Park developed a stormwater management plan and has the required permit under the Colorado Discharge Permit System (CDPS).

Comments or Questions are Welcome
Phone: Park Office at 303-690-1166 Ext. 6561

Be a good steward of the Cherry Creek Watershed. Learn more about stormwater and ways to promote water quality protection by visiting Cherry Creek Basin Water Quality Authority and Cherry Creek Stewardship Partners.